Thursday, September 13, 2012

5 months!

I know every month I am surprised it has been another month... But, really, where does the time go?! My baby girl is getting so big so fast.  She is now five months old!!  (Well, today she is about 5 1/2... But I am playing catchup!)  Five months of watching her grow, of being "on call" 24/7, of transforming my life... It has gone by SO fast.  It does not feel even close to 5 months since I last clocked in at work.  It is crazy.  Little Peyton has sure become my whole world in the best possible way.  I think I am starting to get the hang of things and more comfortable with the whole mom thing.  It is truly the best thing ever!

But, enough about me!  Here are some fun five month Peyton facts:

  • She is 23" and probably 13 1/2ish pounds... Not sure on the weight since she didn't have to go to the doctor, yay!  (Side note, I should probably just get a scale!)
  • She is still wearing size 1 diapers!  I know last month I said she would be moving up... But, I ended up waiting.  I did finally order the 2's so once she is done with this box, she will be moving up a size.
  • She wears 3 month and 0-3 month clothes.  Yes, the 0-3 are on their last cycle through.  She is growing out of her 3 month sleepers, so I get to do some shopping!  :)  Lucky little lady gets a brand new wardrobe ever 3 months!
  • She has come to love her monster (our dog)... Particularly, she loves to pull his hair... Poor dog.
  • She is so much more interested in her toys and everything else.  If she can grab it, she will.  If she can't she will try any way.
  • Everything she grabs goes straight to her mouth... She has even tried to eat the dog's hair!
  • She is a rolling machine!
  • She can sit up pretty darn good!  Such a strong little girl.
  • Speaking of strong, we got her a bouncer which she just loves.  She would probably bounce on our laps or in the bouncer all day if she could.
  • She wants to crawl but can't quite figure it out.  It is pretty cute to watch her try, until she gets frustrated.
  • Sophie is still one of her favorite toys.
  • She really recognizes Mom and Dad.  She always gives us big smiles. She gets super excited when Paul gets home from work... Super cute!
  • She loves fishes!! We probably have to get her an aquarium now.
  • She sleeps through the night at least twice a week!
  • LOVES bath time.  She splishes and splashes like crazy.
Like always, here are some of her 5 month birthday pictures!

mom jeans

I am a mom.  That above all else, is my single greatest accomplishment.
So... I am sure I am not the only one, but having a baby, and the post baby body takes a lot of adjusting.  Being short, barely 5'2", I have always felt like 5 pounds might as well be 50.  Weight just shows up so much faster, and well, lets face it, doesn't go away like it comes on.  

After Peyton was born, I was determined to get back into pre-pregnancy shape again.  I was specifically wanting to be able to fit into my wedding dress again, and I wanted to do it by my anniversary.  I learned very quickly just how unrealistic that was.  I was in the best shape of my life, I think, on my wedding day.  And I was the heaviest ever, as totally expected and worth it, the day I gave birth.  Peyton was born on Match 27th and my anniversary is May 8th.  That was a difference of about a month and a half.  Getting my cute pre-pregnancy clothes on?  No way!!  

Accepting the fact that the weight would probably take as much time to come off as it did to come on was  a harsh reality check.  But, I was able to come to terms with it.  My whole body went through major changes to give us our beautiful baby girl.  So, no matter what the final "product" would be, I would be okay with it because she makes everything worth it.  That said, I was still determined to work my butt off, literally (bad pun, yes, I know).  As a SAHM and being up at all hours with a new born I had watched the Insanity infomercial more than a couple times.  After about 8 weeks post baby, I decided it was time.  I went online and ordered it.  I was determined.

Before the baby, and before the wedding, I had done P90X a few times.  I was bored with it.  I didn't want to see Tony Horton's face telling me to work harder any more.  Insanity was new, and told me I would see results in 60 days as opposed to 90 with my former workout.  I was in.  I was committed.  As Paul will tell you, once I set my mind to something, I make it happen.  I am one of the most determined people like that.  However, I didn't know just how hard this would be with a baby.  Getting 40 minutes to an hour, uninterrupted, to work out?  Doesn't always happen.  But, I was going to try, every single day.  It was the hardest work out ever.  It never got easier but I started feeling stronger and in better shape.  

After my time with Insanity was over, I was proud of what I had done. I had finished it.  I missed a total of 5 workouts over the course of the program.  I was so close to pre-pregnancy size I vowed to do it again so that I could get into those old jeans.  I was starting to feel like me and feel fit, and that was totally worth it.  Feeling like that was more worth it than any pair of old jeans.

Old jeans, being a size 2 again, being totally fit, being put together all the time... These things may never all happen at the same time.  But, like I said before, I don't care about my old skinny jeans.  I would love to wear them again, but if I can't, it is okay.   I am learning to embrace my new curves.  I always had some before, but my hips are a little bigger and so is my rib cage (weird, I think).  And, these curves were the product of making the most amazing thing.  My baby girl. And looking at her face, and her smile, her laughs... Well those things make me infinitely happier than any pair of old skinny jeans.  

No matter what, she is worth it. 
19 weeks post baby!  Starting to feel and look like my old self :)
Love my P!
Kisses for my princess!