Thursday, June 28, 2012

3 months

Three months already?!  

Where does the time go?

Our sweet pea is 3 months, which means that technically she has been a part of my life for an entire year.  Kind of a crazy thing to think about.  The last three months have been some of the best of my life.  I have fallen in love over an over again, both with my sweet princess and Paul.  Seeing him become such a wonderful dad is heartwarming.  He is the love of my life who gave me the other love of my life... And for that, I feel so beyond blessed.  This last  month has been one of the best for Peyton.  She is starting to become such a little person.  She continues to grow every day... So much so that she no longer has that sweet (or not so sweet I suppose) newborn cry or the newborn looks.  Now she is just a sweet precious baby.  I am pretty okay with that.  She happens to be the cutest baby ever!  

As always, some fun little Peyton facts:
  • She now is 22 inches long!! (I don't know her weight, we don't have a scale and she didn't have a pedi appointment this month, thank goodness.)
  • She wears size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes... She still has a couple onsies that say newborn that fit, but I am fairly certain those brands run BIG.  She fits perfect in 0-3 month, but I am sure that means that in a week she will be too big for them.
  • She is such a happy girl, she smiles a LOT and laughs... Once in a while, you can even catch a cute little giggle!
  • She won't take a bottle, or a pacifier, but she loves nothing more than to chew on her hand.  
  • She has begun the "I can grab it so I will put it in my mouth" phase.  Her favorites, other than her hands, are her Sophie giraffe or any blanket that is on her.  
  • She is so much more vocal, which is so awesome!  This little girl has quite the lungs, and when she decides to use them, watch out!
  • She has continued rolling over from front to back and is really trying to roll over from her back to her stomach.
  • She loves what I call mirror time.  I stand her up on my dresser and she just laughs and makes faces at herself and me.  So stinkin cute!
  • She is NOT a napper.  She only takes milk naps.  I am lucky if she sleeps for an hour at a time.  
  • However, she does sleep through the night!!!!!  Not every night, but lately its been more and more. Up to 8 hours straight!  It's funny how sleeping until 6am now feels like sleeping in.
  • Her favorite things are her rainforest (but it has a giraffe and zebra, so I am not sure how that works) activity mat, her swing, and her Sophie.
  • She is so much more observant.  She loves to just look around and take in the world.
  • This last month she has had two big outing "firsts".  First amusement park, Gilroy Gardens, and first zoo experience, Happy Hollow.
I think that is all of her "new" stuff!  Here are some cute pictures from her 3 month birthday!  


She does this all the time.  Cracks me up!

Looking at her monster.

He loves to lick her feet (or head, or hands) and she is not the biggest fan...

I love her little chunky thighs!


SO happy!

sweet feet

Making bubbles.

She didn't want to take pictures with her big bear this month...

Me and my Sweet Pea!

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