I seriously can not believe I already have a 2 month old little girl! Where does the time go?! She is getting SO big. Definitely bittersweet. Here are some fun facts about our Sweet Pea:
- She is growing a lot!! She now weighs 10 lbs 12 oz!! Gained 4 pounds since she was born.
- She is 21 inches now. Crazy to think that babies are born as big as she is at 2 months old.
- She still wears newborn onsies! Looks like she is going to get her height from her dad... Her legs are too long for her little footie jammies! (Certainly not a problem I've ever had) She fits best in 0-3 month but wears mostly 3 month jammies. They are a bit big, but she will grow into them before we know it.
- She wears size 1 diapers.
- She smiles, A LOT! We love every single second of it.
- She has started making a lot of new noises... She is quite a chatty baby sometimes. It is SO cute!
- She loves her hands, particularly chewing in them. She doesn't like the pacifier, but her hands sure do the trick!
- She will sit and stare and have so much fun playing in her little "jungle" activity mat.
- She makes faces at herself in the mirror. She can stare at her self for a long time. So cute!
- She still doesn't want to take the bottle... Hopefully one of these days, sooner rather than later, she will be okay with it. This mama wants to be able to have a date night one day!
- She would rather sleep in her swing, rock n play or on my chest than anywhere else. As much time as she wants to be held (an me not getting ANYTHING done...) I love every second. I know this phase will be over in a blink of an eye, so I am trying to enjoy every sleepless moment.
- She is a decent sleeper. She will sleep a 4-6 hour stretch, then a couple 2-3 hour stretches. I can't complain!
I still can't believe another month has gone by. I am sure before I know it she will be 6...9... 12 months! Here are some pictures. Soak in the cuteness!
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