I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was waking up in a room filled with friends (very filled, I think we had 4 ladies and 2 beds...) in a slight tequila fog but so ready to start the day. I looked over at the clock and it was probably no later than 7am. Wow, too early! I tried my best to go back to sleep, especially since I was the only one awake, but, to no avail. I was up like a kid on Christmas morning, and with good reason. It was my wedding day!
After stirring enough, my friends also started to wake up. I got up, washed my face, downed another bottle of water and a couple Advil. I felt fine, aside from the fog, and wanted to make sure that a hangover didn't sneak up on me later. (I had had a number of margaritas followed by a shot, which turned into a triple shot of tequila the night prior... The latter was NOT a good idea.) We threw on some acceptable sweatpants, I threw on my "Bride" hoodie, and headed downstairs to the restaurant for breakfast.
"Coffee?" the waiter asked.
"Yes." we all said basically in unison. It was FAR too early to be up for a Sunday morning. Too early, and looking ahead at a very long day. Coffee was absolutely necessary.
With coffee in hand we were better prepared to look at the menu. I ordered one of my absolute favorite breakfast items. Blueberry pancakes. Well, I thought they were going to be pancakes. It turned out to be one gigantic pancake that was also the fluffiest pancake ever. SOOOO good! It was the perfect way to start my day.
After breakfast it was back up to our room. We planned on having an after breakfast nap... That didn't happen. Again, the whole Christmas morning feeling was inhibiting my ability to sleep!
Given I couldn't sleep, I figured I would shower before everyone was trying to shower at the same time. We spent the rest of the morning just hanging out, getting ready for the BIG day. It was such a mellow morning, it was great. My hairdresser arrived along with one of my bridesmaid's friends to do makeup. While some of the girls got beautified, some of the others ran to the store for mimosa makings and bagels. Because really, you need some champagne to celebrate such a special day!
Once we were all, pretty much, totally ready, the wedding photographer showed up! It was so exciting, and really got my heart racing. I was sooo ready to head to the venue and get the show on the road! Mike and his lovely wife Gina were able to take some fun pictures of my friends and I as we finished getting ready. Those moments were so great, that I wanted to make sure that they got captured. Then they headed next door to get Paul and his guys too. It was SO hard knowing that he was so close and I couldn't see him. I was dying inside. Mike, the photographer, took my dress to the venue to take some pictures and we were just behind him. While the guys got dressed at the hotel, us girls had the privilege of getting ready at the winery. They even brought us a platter of cheeses and little snacks to help us out. So nice.

We were all finally ready to go... Next step was the guys arrival at the winery. Then Paul and I were FINALLY going to get to see each other. We were doing the "first look". I was so excited to see him and get some time together (and fabulous pictures) before the wedding ceremony. Yes, it is a bit non-traditional, but I guess I am just a little non-traditional too. Looking back, I was so glad we chose to do it this way. Having that moment as bride and groom, in private (okay, with all of my friends looking on from behind windows and peeking through doors) was perfect. It was a moment of calm before our day. It was really the only time we had as just the two of us.
"Turn around." was all that I said. And he did.
I loved these moments on our day. They were so special.
The whole day was special. The ceremony officiated by a close friend, being surrounded by family and friends... It really could not have been better! The ceremony went perfect and the reception was beyond any of my dreams. It was so romantical. (Yes, I know that romantical is not a real word.) The food was delicious. The music was perfect. It was really the most beautiful night. We danced the night away, even Paul stayed out on the dance floor the WHOLE time too! It was really the perfect wedding.
Some of the moments that will always make me laugh, make me smile, and make me remember the best day of my life.
One year ago doesn't seem like it was all the long ago. It has been the most amazing wonderful year yet. Happy Anniversary to my amazing husband! Here is to a lifetime more of fantastic memories!