So, baby girl is officially closer to being 1 year old than a newborn. Definitely bittersweet. I love every moment with our Sweet Pea, I just wish time could slow down!!
This past month it seems like she is well on her way to being a big girl. It really is the most amazing thing watching her grow and learn.
- She is 24 3/4 inches and is (approx) 15 lbs!
- She is still in size 2 diapers. She wears 6 month and 3-6 month clothes (although I just had to put away her first 3-6 month sleeper).
- She loves to play with her feet and put them in her mouth. She especially loves to play with them when she is eating, getting her diaper changed, or in her car seat.
- She is making lots of new noises. She giggles and "yells". Her little personality is definitely starting to come out and it is the cutest thing ever!
- This is a big one... We introduced solids!! She pretty much hated cereal... I tried mixing it with breast milk, fruits... No go. I tried oat and rice. Nada. The first things she liked was sweet potatoes! (This was my favorite as a baby too.) She did not like carrots or honeycrisp apples. (I am making all of her food!) Other than sweet potatoes, she has liked avocado and banana.
- Really, really trying to crawl... Maybe next month! :)
- Not sleeping through the night anymore. :( She wakes up every 2-3 hours.
- She got her FIRST TEETH!!! Both bottom two middle ones are in. Teething was not so fun for her, but glad she gets a little break before the next ones.
I think that is all the fun, new, and exciting stuff this month. I love our Sweet Pea. Here are some pictures from her 7 month birthday. Enjoy!