Where does the time go?! It is hard to believe Sweet Pea is already four months old. It has been the best four months of my life. Looking back through her pictures, she just is getting to be the cutest baby ever. Over the past month, she has had some firsts... First trip to the cabin, first time to the aquarium (when she was awake), and her first dolphin and sea otter sighting! Okay, so she probably couldn't actually see the sea otter or dolphins as we walked on West Cliff in Santa Cruz, but they were there, and I thought it was pretty cool!
The unfortunate part about being four months old, meant a trip to her pediatrician for more shots... The poor little thing had FOUR pokes. I felt SO bad for her... Then I felt even worse when she got her first fever from them. Tylenol, lots of love, and a calming bath and our little princess was on track to being back to normal.
Some of her fun monthly statistics:
- She is 13 lbs and 22.5 inches! I think she is probably 23, but who knows.
- She is still in size 1 diapers, but probably only until we run out of what we have... Then we will move her to size 2.
- She wears 3 month and 0-3 month clothes... She has one 3-6 month onsie that fits, the rest are all still too big.
- She smiles and laughs. Her laugh is by far the best noise I have ever heard.
- When she is not laughing, she likes to tell me all about whatever is going on in her head... Although I can't understand, her sweet noises are just that, sweet.
- She can now roll both directions! Time for us to start baby proofing the house...
- She loves to grab anything and everything and put it in her mouth.
- Foster, our dog, amuses her. She likes to "pet" him... Well, pull his hair... But he is so good with her and just lays there, poor little guy.
- She is pretty particular, and will let you know right away if she doesn't like something... Especially when you sit down.
- She has mastered tummy time and is starting to move her little legs like she wants to crawl... All too soon!
- She loves being outside. If she could be outside all the time she probably would... Too bad it's been close to 100 degrees so we have to stay inside where it is air conditioned. Mornings and evenings though... We are out looking at the trees and the world!
- She loves bath time and sitting in her pool. I think she is going to be a water baby, just like her mom.
- She is really working hard to sit up on her own, and she is almost there. She loves to stand even, when we are holding her up of course.
- Her newest thing is that she has become a little squeeker... Makes me laugh.
- She loves to not only suck in her bottom lip but suck on her top lip too. So stinkin cute!
And if you were ever in need of some cuteness to make you smile:
Happy Princess Peyton |
Working on rolling over |
Love tummy time with her cute ruffle butt jammies |
Those eyes!! And lips!! |
All smiles! |
See, she tries to eat everything... |